Karen Brake Fine Art

Karen Brake Fine Art
Karen Brake Fine Art - About
Karen Brake Fine Art - Events
Karen Brake Fine Art
Karen Brake Fine Art - Figures and Portraits
Karen Brake Fine Art - Still Life
Karen Brake Fine Art -Classes
Karen Brake Fine Art - Links
Karen Brake Fine Art - Contact

Jazz Cafe | Commissioned Paintings | Ceramics | Watercolor Paintings
Oil Paintings | Acrylic Painting | Still Life | Fine Art Bio

Acrylic Paintings
In the late 80s and early 90s, Karen's graphic design career influenced her painting style. Click here for a full bio. During September and October 1990 Karen was invited to show fourteen paintings at the City Art Gallery in Dallas, TX. Some of the paintings were in oil and others were in acrylic.

Main | About the artist | Events | Landscapes | Figures and Portraits |

| Still Life | Links | Contact the Artist

©2008 Karen Brake Design,Inc.